We specialize in delivering customised corrugated cartons and value-added solution to our customers with our industry expertise in a rapidly changing market place.
Regular slotted boxes are in more general use than any other style because they are most economical to manufacture and use and are adapted to the shipment of most commodities.
All of the flaps of a regular slotted container are the same length and the lengthwise (normally outer) flaps meet at the center of the box. The space between the inner flaps varies depending upon the relation of the length to the width of the box.
This style of box is illutrated both open and as closed with paper sealing tape.
When assembled, this box has several thicknesses of fibreboard in each end. This provides considerable strength and makes the five panel folder an excellent container for the shipment of articles such as canes, rods, shade rollers, light fixtures, umbrellas, etc.
When this style box is stacked on its side panel, the extra thicknesses of corrugated board on the top and bottom panel provide added stacking strength. The outer flaps which completely overlap make this box unusually resistant to rough handling.
When stacked on its bottom panel, the extra board in the top and bottom provides added cushioning.
Similar to FPF when assembled, this box has several thicknesses of fibreboard in each end. This provides considerable strength and makes the container excellent for the shipment of articles such as canes, rods, shade rollers, light fixtures, umbrellas, etc.
Unlike FPF, it does not have full wrap around cover but have flaps meeting at the center of the container.