The Board of Directors (“the Board”) of Ornapaper Berhad (“Ornapaper”) recognises the importance ofcontinuously developing and improving the business operations in a sustainable and responsible manner. The Board believes and remains committed to create sustainable value throughout its businesses’ value chainby improving the core business principles and operations.
The continuous creation of sustainable value shalldrive the long-term business growth of Ornapaper Berhad and its subsidiaries (“the Group”) as well as theestablishment of mutually favourable relationships with its stakeholders. The sustainable business practices of the Group can be enhanced by having its businesses’ operating strategies and corporate culture formulated and continuously aligned to the Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”) developed by the United Nations to promote prosperity while protecting the environment.
The Board is committed to continuously encourage good sustainability practices, update the sustainability progress and engage openly and responsively with the Group’s stakeholders through transparent sustainability reporting that captures the economic, environmental and social aspects of its businesses’ operations.