Joining Ornapaper Berhad means that you will learn new skills along the way. Working for different clients with a variety of requirements, you’ll be exposed to wide range of projects that will enhance your career development.
Qualification : Has been trained in the relevant job functions
Responsibility And Authority: –
- Responsible to clean the factory compound, office building , canteen and washrooms.
- Responsible of gardening utilities and fertilizers.
- Responsible to water, fertilize, trim, prune, mow and pesticide spraying; plants and grass in the factory compound.
- To undertake any relevant task instructed by superior.
- Bertanggungjawab membersihkan kawasan kilang, bangunan pejabat, kantin dan tandas.
- Bertanggungjawab ke atas utiliti berkebun dan baja.
- Bertanggungjawab untuk menyiram, membaja, memangkas, mencantas, memotong dan menyembur racun perosak; tumbuhan dan rumput di kawasan kilang.
- Menjalankan apa-apa tugas yang diarahkan oleh atasan.